Wendy's 4 Aha's of Kindness to Live By


Appreciation and respect for your own values, beliefs and life journey.

Appreciation and respect for the values, beliefs and life journey of each person in your life.

Appreciation and respect for life journeys of all the creatures - plants and animals - of the natural world amongst whom we live. 

Appreciation and respect for the difference between it all.


If you ever need inspiration to accept and grow with change, kindly, these 4 Aha's of Kindness are here to guide you.

Because the word kindness can seem soft or even irrelevant, Wendy Campbell, our Kindness Queen, has spent many years researching kindness. She has discovered that the essence of kindness is simply treating people kindly, including herself. This is Wendy's purpose, and this is why kindness is at the heart of Wendy's life and work.

Wendy and her friend and colleague Sally Paulin are crafting this kindness into the 7 Keys of Kindness Journey. This is for you to walk as you learn, explore and discover how to let go, set yourself free and unlock your own wisdom, kindly.

Learn about kindness being crucial to survival in this article about 6 boys shipwrecked on a desert island. Being kind to each other meant that they did survive this ordeal. "The Real Lord of the Flies".

Explore kindness, with Wendy's blog piece. "The Ring of Power – Ultimately It’s Only Kindness that Matters". If you enjoy this blog piece, you can find other reflection pieces centred around kindness in Wendy's blog here.

Discover the importance of kindness in your everyday life, with the help of these two thoughtful articles. "The Secret to True Kindness" and "The Power of Kindness".


What do these 4 Aha's of Kindness mean to you?

How might they help you?

Ask for your FREE Discovery Conversation with Wendy, our Kindness Queen, today. She is waiting to hear your answer:-)