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Respect for the Earth = Self Respect Earth Day 2020

love natural world peace time - my friend Apr 16, 2020

Earth Day 2020, on 22nd May, was especially poignant this year. As we humans navigate a dramatically changed world, where so much that we thought was permanent has become very transient, what remains?

This is what remains.

Love of each other. With so much time on our hands, I am enjoying more and more that people are reaching out for others, to ask how they are going, to help where we can.

Love of ourselves. This is something that our busy busy pre-COVID lives left little time for, if any. Now, we can read those books, go for those walks, learn those new long-promised hobbies, resurrect those old hobbies…so many of those things not done because we “didn’t have enough time.”

Love of our Earth. As well as this heart-felt article that gives its name to this blog, I am loving seeing so many people out walking, bike riding, boating — simply being outside with our natural world, giving it their time.

This, to me, is what made this year’s Earth Day so special. This is how we should always live our lives — putting all these loves first.

Wishing you health and peace during these tough times. And love.


[Photo by Marino Bobetic on Unsplash.]


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