Be What Gives You Joy: the 8th Seed of Hope
Jun 30, 2019As winter cools our planet’s southern hemisphere, and summer brings warmth to our northern climes, I hope this Seed finds you well and flourishing.
In Perth, Australia, I’m enjoying the changes amongst the trees in our garden. Birds like the rainbow bee-eaters have flown north to Asia and beyond with their summer-fledged young. Those who remain are preparing for winter, some like the warbling butcher bird already looking for mates. Enfolded in this changing landscape I’ve loved your responses to my last Seed of Hope. Thank you for sharing:-)
This Seed, 8th in the Seeds of Hope series, has “germinated” after running around my head and conversations for some time. As part of this Seed, I have invited my nature photographer husband, Rob, to share one of his stunning photos with you for this blog.
What gives me joy? That surge of pure delight from my heart?
All my life, being present in the outdoors calls forth emotion so intense that my eyes water. I cherish the memory of walking alone for the first time, needing to explore the world in my own way. I was about 3 years old. While happily wandering along the nearby highway, a truck driver offered me a lift. Oblivious to any other possibility on his part, I thanked him when he returned me home.
Once I became a reader of books I travelled to new places between the pages. Towards teenager-hood, I discovered that being a writer was an equally happy place. At school an enjoyable new skill emerged — bringing together groups of friends to share our studies and our lives. Adulthood added more rewarding opportunities — being a wife and a mother, alongside being a daughter and a sister. My work has taken many forms. However it always includes help for other people finding moments of delight in their journeys, as I have learned to look for in mine.
Now in grandmother-hood, I continue to enjoy these journeys as well as a new one: being a publisher. A few years ago, I was humbled when a friend asked me to publish her first novel — Enigma: 1960. A successful scientist, she beautifully blended the story of science at university in the 1960s with stories of science students at that time. At the book launch, as my friend told her story to her admiring audience, I was overjoyed to have helped her writing reach out to the world.
What gives you joy? If you would like to share, I’d be delighted to listen. And if you choose to share this Seed with your family, friends and colleagues, I would be honoured.
In the Hope that this Seed inspires you towards your purpose with kindness.
[Photo by Rob Campbell.]
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